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Lip enhancement is also known as lip plumping or lip injections are designed to restore shape, volume and projection to the lip border and body. At Youtopia medical spa I will use dermal fillers to create bespoke treatments that meet each individual’s needs.  My goal is to provide balanced, natural-looking lips so whether you’re looking to correct uneven lips or add a little volume to thin lips, I’ll help you achieve your desired result.

“No trout pout. No duck face. Just sexy, perfect lips”

Preparing for your lip enhancement


You don’t need to do much to prepare for dermal fillers, but you may wish to consider doing the following to reduce bruising and swelling.

  • Avoid medications such as Aspirin, Motrin and Ibuprofen which can be blood-thinning.

  • Avoid topical products such as retinol or anti-ageing creams.

  • Avoid irritating procedures such as waxing or hair removal in the area

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages a day before treatment.

  •  Do start taking Arnica two days prior to the procedure. (This will help lessen the bruising).

General Recommendations


Do not use dermal fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Procedure and Down Time 


Numbing cream is applied onto the lips for about 20-30minutes before the injections. The procedure itself will take 20-30minutes so a maximum time of 60minutes should be allotted. Downtime varies from person to person, however as a general rule, you will experience swelling, redness and possibly some bruising. 

The majority of the inflammation will disappear around day 3 following the procedure, however bruising may take a little longer to be completely gone. 

I do advise that if you are sensitive to bruising and bleeding to take arnica tablets 5-7days before the procedure to reduce your post-procedure side effects and downtime. 



Results typically last between 6 months to 1 year, but this varies from person to person. 

Get started with Youtopia, today.